Search Engine & Online Database

Ni Hao,

Search Engine

A search engine is actually a web tool that helps you to find information by entering the keyword on the website that contains its database. Google and Yahoo have been our favorite choices to use for finding information. each search engines have their own database and used software to collect data from the web to include in their database. There are 4 parts of search engine:

  • Store references to Webpages
  • Contains only essential information of Webpages

  • Also known as 'bot' or 'spider' is aprogram that visit websites and read their pages and other information in order to create entries for a search engines.
  • The purpose is to provide the search engine the up-to-date data


💧User Interface
  • A set of commands or menu through which user communicates with the program
  • Using a simple design and user-friendly are the important features in creating an interface so that the user can search any information comfortably. 
Google Interface

💧Information Retrieval System
  • A system that uses to match the user's query to indexed webpages found in database.

IR System


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