First Entry: Greetings!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Well, I'll make the introduction simple. My name is Athira also know as Yaa. I'm a toddler in the blog's world because it's my first time to do a blog. So the reason why I make the blog, this blog, is because it is a requirement for my Internet Technologies for Language Learning (ESP6013) subject. I'll be writing something like a journal or my review about everything that we learned during the class period.

During our first class, Madam Azidatun had been given some introduction about the course and sum up what we should do for this semester. Well, of course, it is the something that we always do before we start our semester. I'm pretty sure this class will be very interesting and exciting. I think it ends here.

It's not a goodbye, it's a see you later. Have a nice day, everyone.



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